Would like to run Windows 10 with ubuntu without deleting ubuntu

Rajiv Gunja opn.src.rocks at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 12:38:06 UTC 2016

If it is a desktop, why bother with any of the partitioning? Just get a 2nd
hdd and install Windows on it.

I have done that on my desktop. Granted, I do not boot into Window as often
as people would think, but I try to boot into Windows at least once a month
to update the anti-virus, update windows patches and update any
applications I might have on it.

1. If it is a newer desktop and since Windows 10 requires UEFI boot, make
sure your ROM and ubuntu are both UEFI enabled.
2. With Windows 10, it requires a separate partition for boot, so better to
have it on its own disk than messing around with partitions or usb booting
or anything.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Daniel Reinhardt <cryptodan at cryptodan.net>

> Jeff,
> he can install Windows 10, and then create a boot-repair usb via
> boot-repair-iso and use the boot-repair usb to fix grub so linux boots.
> daniel
> On October 27, 2016 9:44:58 PM Jeff Stennett <jeffstenn at gmail.com> wrote:
> So Dan, are you saying boot Ubuntu from USB, not hard drive ?  Stuart says
>> he's already got Ubuntu loaded to hard drive and wants to load Win10 to
>> hard drive too.
>> jeff
>> On Oct 26, 2016 10:04 PM, "Daniel Reinhardt" <cryptodan at cryptodan.net>
>> wrote:
>> Stuart,
>>> yes download boot-repair-iso and create a boot able usb drive and run it.
>>> that should allow dual booting of windows 10 and ubuntu.
>>> dan
>>> On October 27, 2016 00:48:04 Stuart <railroadman1 at aol.com> wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>>> Yesterday I got a copy of Windows 10. I am currently running ubuntu
>>>> 16.04 LTS on my desktop. would like to install and make both operating
>>>> system bootable. Is there any way of doing so without first deleting
>>>> Ubuntu, installing windows and then reinstalling ubuntu as dual boot? I
>>>> was thinking virtual box or partitioning the drive into a C&D drive,
>>>> leaving ubuntu on the C drive and installing windows on the D drive as
>>>> bootable OS. Will  this work?
>>>> Stuart
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