Where Would We Be Without Ubuntu

Stuart railroadman1 at aol.com
Wed Jan 20 15:12:53 UTC 2016

  I hope we can meet on Saturday but lets add weather permitting.

On 01/18/2016 07:53 PM, Ron Swift wrote:
> This is an interesting article that imagines where we would be today with Ubuntu Linux, http://www.techrepublic.com/article/where-would-we-be-without-ubuntu/
> Please feel free to share your thoughts on the list.
> Moreover, Ubuntu-MD will have our first meeting of the year this Saturday, Jan 23, 2016 at 1 pm at CCBC Catonsville campus in the HTEC building Linux lab 101-B.
> Use parking lot 5.
> We will have a discussion on running Ubuntu on a Chromebook.
> Please join us, thanks.
> Ron Swift
> President
> 410-788-7011, ext 5005
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