Ubuntu MD May Meeting and Presentations

Ron Swift rswift at swiftstaffing.com
Tue May 19 13:00:58 UTC 2015

We will not be meeting this month due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Our next meeting will be Sat, June 27 and we will have an IRC session on Mon, June 1 at 8:00 pm. 
I would welcome your input on Ubuntu Linux related presentation topics that you would like for us to cover at future meetings. 
Past presentations are listed on our website, www.ubuntu-maryland.org, and include presentations on Ubuntu installation, Libreoffice, Gimp, KVM virtualization, Linuxlite, command line tips and system administration to name a few. At the June meeting we are planning a presentation on using Ubuntu on a Mac. 

Ron Swift 
410-788-7011, ext 5005 
Celebrating 26 years in business, 1989 - Present 
"Staffing, IT services and Web Development" 

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