Opensource-MD February 20 Meeting

Ron Swift rswift at
Mon Feb 17 14:17:13 UTC 2014

Please join us for our monthly meeting on Thur, Feb 20 at the Howard
County Central Library second floor conference room at 7 pm.
Mike Montenegro will be giving a presentation entitled "R for the
Beginner". It will be an introduction to using the open-source R
statistical programming environment. The presentation is geared to
persons who have never used the language. It is recommended that you
install R on the device that you bring to the meeting so that you can
follow along with the examples.
The goal is to have fun while learning key points about R through examples.
Please join us.
Ron Swift
Swift Staffing
410-788-7011, ext 5005
Celebrating 25 years in business, 1989 - Present
/Staffing, Information Technology and Website Development Services/

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