Install Fest Release Form

Ron Swift rswift at
Mon Apr 7 23:43:33 UTC 2014

Here is a sample release form that we should use at our upcoming install 
fest/open house on Apr 26, 2014.


By signing this release agreement between you and the group holding the 
installfest (members of the __________________________ Linux User's 
Group, hereinafter referred to as Installers), you give up certain legal 
rights. Therefore, you should read the agreement carefully. If you have 
any questions about the legal effect of this agreement, you should 
consult an attorney and not any of the Installers. Please be aware that 
you may not participate in the installfest event unless you have signed 
this agreement. By signing this release agreement, you acknowledge the 


    That your signing this agreement is partial consideration for the
    services provided by Installers.


    That Installers do not promise that the work done on your computer
    equipment will be successful. An Installer will help you attempt to
    install, configure, or otherwise get the Linux operating system to
    work on your computer equipment. However, because of possible
    defects in computer software or computer hardware, including
    improperly configured computer hardware, not every attempt is


    That the attempt to install, configure, or otherwise get the Linux
    operating system to work on your computer equipment has inherent
    dangers that no amount of care, caution, instruction, or expertise
    can eliminate.


    That any attempt to install, configure, or otherwise get the Linux
    operating system to work on your computer equipment, especially
    including any attempt to partition or re-partition your computer's
    hard drive, may result in the loss of some or all of the data stored
    on that hard drive. That you are hereby advised that you should back
    up all important data before the attempt to install, configure or
    otherwise get the Linux operating system to work on your computer


    That an install fest is an inherently chaotic event at which many
    computer components, peripherals and systems are present; therefore,
    you are responsible for the security of your property.


    That you are expressly assuming the risks of the dangers set forth


    That by signing this release agreement, you hereby forever release
    the Installers from any legal liability they might have arising from
    the attempt to install, configure, or otherwise get the Linux
    operating system to run on your computer equipment. That this
    release includes, but is not limited to, any losses caused by the
    negligence of any Installer who attempts to install, configure or
    otherwise get the Linux operating system to work on your computer.

By signing below, you agree that you understand the terms above:


signature: __________________________________________________

name: _______________________________________________________

month: ____________ day: __________ year: ________

Witness: signature: __________________________________________________

name: _______________________________________________________

month: ____________ day: __________ year: ________

We will discuss this tonight on irc session at 8 pm. If you can not 
participate, please share your thoughts via email.

Ron Swift
Swift Staffing
410-788-7011, Ext 5005
Celebrating 25 years in business, 1989 - Present

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