Article- Is Ubuntu A Real Alternative to Windows

Ron Swift rswift at
Mon Apr 8 12:33:24 UTC 2013

Wubi has been dropped from the 13.04 release.
On 04/07/2013 10:57 PM, railroadman1 at wrote:
> Ron,
> I think the article sums up the advantages of ubuntu. However it leaves out the added security Ubuntu provides. Also the article suggests the first time user use Wubi to load Ubuntu unless they use a disk, as we know, a risky proposition.
> Stuart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Swift <rswift at>
> To: Ubuntu Maryland Loco Team <ubuntu-us-md at>
> Sent: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 4:32 pm
> Subject: Article- Is Ubuntu A Real Alternative to Windows
> This is a very well done balanced article on Ubuntu as an Alternative to
> Windows,
> Let me know what you think of it and more importantly what can we do to
> help address the perceived weakness of Ubuntu.
> Thanks


Ron Swift
410-788-7011 ext 5005
Celebrating 24 Years in Business, 1989 - Present!
"Staffing Services, Web Development and Technical Support"

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