Ubuntu-us-md Digest, Vol 100, Issue 1
railroadman1 at aol.com
railroadman1 at aol.com
Thu Apr 4 15:37:34 UTC 2013
Great, would you be willing to teach and coach the work shop.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Gregg <kevingregg at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Maryland Loco Team <ubuntu-us-md at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Thu, Apr 4, 2013 11:31 am
Subject: Re: Ubuntu-us-md Digest, Vol 100, Issue 1
Hi - I never used WUBI or even considered it. I've had good luck
installing Ubuntu (12.10 and slightly older releases) in dual boot setup
along Win 7 on Asus laptop. Of course, all of my data is backed up before
doing any OS installation.
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 11:21 AM, <railroadman1 at aol.com> wrote:
> That will make Ubuntu difficult and even more dangerous to load. I had
> some very bad expexperiences with Ubuntu before Wubi which caused a
> computer to crash and burn and am leery of repeating them. Hopefully they
> will replace Wubi with a better program that does the same thing. However
> it would be great if our group could have a work shop on loading Ubuntu for
> dual boot without Wubi.
> Stuart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Montenegro <mmontene at comcast.net>
> To: ubuntu-us-md <ubuntu-us-md at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 11:40 am
> Subject: Re: Ubuntu-us-md Digest, Vol 100, Issue 1
> Stuart,
> A couple of days ago I saw on OMG! Ubuntu that WUBI is likely be dropped on
> Ubuntu 13.04.
> Mike
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: ubuntu-us-md-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> To: ubuntu-us-md at lists.ubuntu.com
> Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 10:49:04 AM
> Subject: Ubuntu-us-md Digest, Vol 100, Issue 1
> Send Ubuntu-us-md mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Ubuntu-MD Meeting Follow-up Summary (railroadman1 at aol.com)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 10:48:59 -0400 (EDT)
> From: railroadman1 at aol.com
> To: ubuntu-us-md at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Ubuntu-MD Meeting Follow-up Summary
> Message-ID: <8CFFE918242852E-B04-2B7A at webmail-vd004.sysops.aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Thank Ron,
> I got Wubi working and was able to down load 12.04 using ethernet and get
> it
> working. I couldn't get wireless working for 2 days until I downloaded 141
> updates via ethernet cable. Now it works on Ubuntu. I still need to
> download
> Firewall and GIMP. Yesterday I saw a Poloroid tablet in Big Lots for $80.
> Looked
> like a pretty good tablet for the money.The tablet runs Anderoid
> jellybean. I
> didn't buy it and won't until Ubuntu comes out with it's regular tablet
> distro
> and I know it will work on the tablet I purchase. I'll dump the jelleybean
> and
> load Ubuntu. A reminder our train club meets Mondays and Wed. in
> Catonsville Sr.
> center at 1:00.
> Stuart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Swift <rswift at swiftstaffing.com>
> To: Ubuntu Maryland Loco Team <ubuntu-us-md at lists.ubuntu.com>; Baltolug
> List
> <baltolug at lists.baltolug.com>; opensource-md-lists <
> omg at lists.opensource-md.org>
> Sent: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 2:35 pm
> Subject: Ubuntu-MD Meeting Follow-up Summary
> The recently reactivated Ubuntu-MD Loco team met in my Catonsville
> office this past Saturday for several hours. I wanted to share with you
> some of the things that we discussed.
> I announced that the Community College Baltimore County (CCBC)
> Catonsville campus has expressed an interest in hosting our future
> meetings in their Linux lab. They run a Redhat Linux academy. They also
> want to get students and faculty involved with our Ubuntu group. Our
> plan is to have our next meeting on Sat, April 27 at the college.
> Also, I have had discussions with two local computer assembler companies
> about building new desktops and laptops with Ubuntu. I have stressed
> that these systems should include discount pricing since there is no
> software licensing costs. They in turn would recommend that their
> clients join our group to further enhance their Ubuntu knowledge.
> Moreover, we discussed the group's future direction and programs and
> generally agreed that the more alliances we can make with new users of
> Ubuntu the better. We also need to find ways to get Windows and Mac
> users to try Ubuntu. Participation in future bugjams, install feasts and
> other Canonical supported programs was briefly discussed.
> I gave a condensed presentation on Ubuntu tips and tricks. A copy of my
> notes are on our website, Ubuntu-Maryland.org. I also emphasized the
> need for us to become comfortable with the command-line terminal
> commands and I will cover that in more detail at our next meeting.
> Lastly we discussed possible future presentation topics such as gaming
> on Ubuntu systems, mobile devices running Ubuntu and Ubuntu server
> programs.
> Thanks
> --
> Ron Swift
> President
> Swift Staffing
> 410-788-7011, ext 5005
> www.swiftstaffing.com
> Celebrating 24 years in business, 1989 - Present
> --
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> End of Ubuntu-us-md Digest, Vol 100, Issue 1
> ********************************************
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