[DC LoCo] Release Party
Nikolas Coukouma
atrus at atrus.org
Thu Apr 22 14:51:47 BST 2010
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Chuck Frain <chuck at chuckfrain.net> wrote:
> The few people that I've talked to about doing a group release party
> have wanted to do it in the Rockville area near a metro stop out that
> way. That way the NOVA, DC, Balto, and Frederick people can get there
> fairly easily.
I'm personally fine with Rockville, but don't know of a suitable
location there (metro accessible + wi-fi).
> That being said if it is in DC it must be on or very near a Metro train
> stop for any hope of the MD contingent that I've talked to to consider
> showing up.
The two locations that are being batted around at the moment seem to
be HacDC (corner of 16th and Newton NW, 0.4mi walk from Columbia
Heights Metro, on S2/4 bus line from Silver Spring) and the Sunlight
Foundation offices (near 19th and N NW, 0.2mi from DuPont Circle
> No one that I've talked to is willing to attempt to drive
> into DC (myself included). It would also be preferable for the event to
> be a lunch on Saturday. This way we could probably entice a few more
> people to show up, perhaps with their families, as a part of a day of
> sightseeing while they're there.
Saturday May 1st has been suggested, and mid-day works well with my
schedule. On the HacDC end of things, we can't get one of the larger
rooms before 3pm and the main space seats about 14.
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