Karmic Release Party Sat Oct 31

John Hofstetter hookedonlinux at verizon.net
Mon Oct 26 23:56:04 GMT 2009

I'll help with creating bootable USB sticks and have Kubuntu, 
Kubuntu-netbook and Eeebuntu--should someone arrive with an Asus Eee 
series-- .iso's on my stick.

John Hofstetter
10 E 4th St #17
Frederick, MD 21701-5257
hookedonlinux at verizon.net
honkytonk9876 at yahoo.com

Chuck Frain wrote:
> Please join the Ubuntu Maryland LoCo team for the Karmic Koala release
> party at Fuddruckers in Columbia, MD. We'll be gathering there from 12
> noonish until 2ish. Check out the wiki[0] for details and the signup
> list. 
> [0]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarylandTeam/Events/ReleaseParties/Karmic

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