Ubuntu Dell Mini 12 won't void warranty.

Dave Fine finerrecliner at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 16:21:36 BST 2009

I dont think Dell gives you OS disks any more. Instead you have a partition
that you can boot from which will let you restore the computer to factory
settings. Just leave that partition intact and restore from it if necessary.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Brian Kemp <brian.kemp at gmail.com> wrote:

> This is incorrect--changing the software cannot void your warranty.
> Installing Ubuntu doesn't mean that Dell can't weasel out of repairing
> hinges, for example. HP tried this and failed miserably (there was a
> story on the Consumerist a while ago which I cannot find; it was about
> the hinges), and you should talk to Dell again and complain.
> Then there's always the MD AG...
> I can think of only one instance where GNU/Linux has damaged hardware:
> Intel had a serious flaw in their Gigabit network cards and supported
> firmware writes when they should not have. That was intel's fault, not
> the customer's or the Linux kernel's.
> If all else fails: Save your Vista CDs, backup everything, wipe and
> reinstall that other OS. What they don't know is not their problem. :)
> >I purchased a Dell Mini 12 with Vista from Dell's  outlet site. I called
> >Dell and asked for their Ubuntu iso that they load on these units and was
> >told that they would not provide it. They suggested that I download the
> >latest ubuntu distro and install it. They also caution that if I did that
> I
> >would void my warranty since the machine was pre-installed with Vista.
> --BK
> --
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