Give aways

Ron Swift rswift at
Thu Mar 20 20:51:19 GMT 2008

I can not make the meeting tonight but please share the additional 
discussion on this and other important topics.

Matt Burkhardt wrote:
> News story - Ubuntu give aways -
> I wrote to James Burgett and got a reply -
> ----- From James Burgett
> 'm running around like crazy right now. So i don't want to waste your
> long distance phone time. My E-mail is included at the botom of this
> document.
>  Look results speak louder than words or opinions.
>  You helped 3 people, we had over 100 volunteers and helped over 350,
> I've been doing this for 14 years and I've never had as effective or
> productive a day as we had at the event.
>  Setting up a central mirror  moved install time from multiple to
> fractional hours.
>  Stockpiling machines before the event  got around the people who  want
> us to install linux on a  xt and allowed us to provide a much more
> pleasant experience for the volunteers as everyone felt productive.
>  People are much more willing to volunteer for things that don't require
> that they haul a box across town, schools play well in the media and you
> move from geeks with some strange software that no one has never heard
> of  (or if thay have they can probably load it themselves)
>  So do you want to market geek?  or  social and environmental justice?
> In addition you end up with a population that is wiling to listen to
> open source positions. (anyone who thinks that the open source movement
> is not a political movement is just plain ignorant and tying open source
> to justice is easy {diebold}).
>  Corporation want to give you stuff. (we got gig-E switches,pizza,lots
> of various companies shwag,etc)
>  People are more willing to help kids than they are to experiment with
> something new. Make them do something new for kids.
>  Many of them will like what they see during the install and ask for
> ubuntu cds.
> ----- end of message from James Burgett
> I'll be at the meeting tonight, so maybe we can chat about it

Ron Swift

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