Team Approval Update

Josh Rhoderick rhoderickj at
Wed Jan 9 17:24:49 GMT 2008


Thanks for the update. Also, I'd like everyone to take a quick look at our
approval application and make changes if necessary. I'd make sure you're
going to be available before attempting to put us on the agenda because,
even if attendance isn't necessary, I think it'd reflect poorly on us if no
one showed up to represent the team.

-- Josh

On Jan 9, 2008 11:39 AM, Chuck Frain <chuckfrain at> wrote:

> The next Community Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday 10-Jan-2008
> 16:00 UTC (11am eastern), and and will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on
> has the
> details.
> It looks like this meeting was just scheduled moments ago. I'm going to
> attempt to make it but I will at least be a little late for it due to a
> work
> thing. So if anyone knows that they can take time to attend the meeting,
> let
> me know and I'll try to make the arrangements necessary.
> Thanks!
> Chuck
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