Ubuntu Maryland's Global Bug Jam Participation August 9
cgregan at aptenix.com
cgregan at aptenix.com
Tue Aug 5 16:41:39 BST 2008
Hey Chuck,
Unfortunately, the jam moved into my vacation week, and I will be unable to attend in person. I know you wanted me to talk about triage, so I was wondering if the was a phone number that can be used for conferencing?
------Original Message------
From: Chuck Frain
Sender: ubuntu-us-md-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
To: Maryland Ubuntu Team
To: Columbia Area Linux Users Group
ReplyTo: Maryland Ubuntu Team
Sent: Aug 4, 2008 23:35
Subject: Ubuntu Maryland's Global Bug Jam Participation August 9
Greetings All,
I just want to remind everyone that this Saturday, August 9th the Ubuntu
Maryland LoCo Team will be participating in Ubuntu's Global Bug Jam as a
group. We will be meeting at Loyola College Center for Community
Informatics in Columbia, MD. The address is 8890 McGaw Rd Columbia, MD
We will be getting there and set up at 9am. I will be giving a
presentation at 9:30 to give basic instructions on how to report and
triage bugs using Launchpad. We will not go into the actual fixing of
bugs as that varies from project to project as to the best way to deal
with that. After the presentation we will have the rest of the day to
work on bug stuff.
For maximum participation experience please bring a laptop with a
wireless nic. If you only have wired access please email me and we will
arrange for wired network connectivity.
You will also have to have a Launchpad account to work on triaging bugs.
Signup is quick and easy and while you are there you can also join the
Launchpad Ubuntu MD Team!
For added fun, you can participate the 5-a-day program.
See you Saturday!
Chuck Frain
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Chris Gregan
cgregan at aptenix.com
Open Source Migration Specialist/Founder
Aptenix Desktop Solutions
New Market, MD
"Open source, open minds."
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