hey guys! 10_13_07<br><br>Great job today! I want to congraduate each and everyone of you for your hard work and efforts today. I think we spiked the interest in a bunch of people that didn't even know ubuntu existed, and a few people who were once frustrated with ubuntu, who perhaps might give it a shot again. Everytime I had someone who would walk in and needed some help definatly found someone. I hope everyone felt useful. You all certainly looked busy. cam, Nice gutsy gibbon you got there, I want mine to look that amazing *i know all too well that you worked super hard on it, and i'll never be that great*
<br><br>Next time, I personally would like a either buisness card size piece of paper, or even just a print out that says A quick..."what ubuntu is" ex...a open source distribution of Linux operating system , "who we are" , "why we are there" and "a link to our wiki so they can find a way to our channel if they need help outside of the installfest" Those were pretty much the big questions I was faced with with more then half the people (granted it was parent weekend, and some of the people that came in were parents). I'm sure I missed a few people coming in the door, but I have 30 names on the list. Among them 4 were from Germany, one from Spain, and a handful of people that walked in wondering what was going on and walking out not only interested but with a smile on their face. We also had 3 install waivers. Next time we need to have a clear (sign the waiver disposition) and get the waiver to on prime location...either me at the door, or just a set place. Like martin said...We are going to have a queue of people next time lined up and out the door. :)
<br><br>I'm sorry if you didn't get anyone to help...If you felt left out or something, next time feel free to come over to the front door and hang about until someone walks though the door and snatch them up! :) I tried my best to distribute people as they came in depending on how busy you all looked back there.
<br><br>Thanks for the snacks if you brought them, the pizza was delicious, and great function room Steve! Thank-you SOOOO much! <br><br>(sorry if this is so long)<br>I'm going to have to say...When I started the day, I was a little unsure about ubuntu...(difference between ubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu), what a 64bit processor disk does compared to the regular one. Among other things! I learned a lot...
<br><br>*Sara Abbott*<br>"DeviousDragen"<br>(when there is a place to put the photos let me know)<br>