[ubuntu-us-ma] Ride To Northeast GNU/Linux Fest in Worcester 3/17?

WILHELM F ZANTOW vze1urce at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 02:44:49 UTC 2012

Dave----I am not clear what is happening in Worcester.  I might be
interested.  I am really interested in getting some help going wireless
using the ndiswrwpper thingy.  and pay for it like I might pay a tutor for
example.  I live on cape Cod---not too far------BillZ   508 237 3057
vze1urce at gmail.com

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Dave Hunt <ka1cey at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> If you're going to the fest at Worcester State on March 17, and can take
> an additional passenger, maybe I would be the companion you're seeking.  I
> can hand out Ubuntu cds and LoCo fliers as well as anyone;  lol. I've even
> been known to give articulate answers to questions on Ubuntu, Trisquel, and
> Vinux on occasion.  So, maybe you're passing through Watertown on your way
> to Worcester?  Maybe we can meet somewhere on route?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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