[ubuntu-us-ma] Space

Aaron Haviland orion at parsed.net
Tue Apr 17 02:04:05 UTC 2012

Michael Terry wrote, on Apr 16, 2012 at 10:35 EDT:
> Hello!  I know we as a group sometimes lack for meeting space.  I
> happened to be looking at the Cambridge main library's space use
> policies and they might be a good fit for us.
> It's free as long as you have it during library hours.  And I think
> you have to let anybody come in if you want (i.e. no private exclusive
> meetings).  And no alcohol.  :)
> You have to submit your request form and they'd get back on whether
> you can use it, but I don't see why they wouldn't.

Their website stipulates that they are only made available to "Cambridge-based
not-for-profit community groups... Rooms must be reserved by ... a Cambridge

I assume we most likely still have membership in Cambridge, but this seems to be a
common restriction on public meeting spaces, especially at libraries in more urban
areas (whereas the rural libraries generally have less meeting space!)

(I've come to find this is a problem when trying to find a common meeting space
central to a group of people that don't live anywhere near the central area)

Aaron Haviland

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