[ubuntu-us-ma] Moving on from FreeNAS to Ubuntu Server

Jonathan M. Prigot jprigot at verizon.net
Mon Jan 3 00:50:56 UTC 2011

What's the address of the DNS server that your router is using? That's
the place to look.

On Sun, 2011-01-02 at 16:46 -0500, Derek Maciel wrote:
> Okay so everything is working great now, except my router still thinks
> (my server ip) is the device called "FreeNAS" when it
> should be "ubuntu" now. I set it to ubuntu during the server install,
> and I've edited /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and they both say the
> computer name is ubuntu. Going to https://ubuntu:10000 should take me
> to Webmin, but it gives me a Server Could Not Be Found error. Going to
> https://freenas:10000 gives me the same error, but
> gets me to webmin.
> It's more of an annoyance really, but it's not a huge deal.

Jonathan M. Prigot <jprigot at verizon.net>

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