[ubuntu-us-ma] server down at SETC

Daniel Hollocher danielhollocher at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 02:46:43 BST 2010

I could stop by on my bike.  I will be close to that area Tuesday evening.


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Martin Owens <doctormo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Mike,
> If it's been down for 10 days then I can only assume that it's been
> replaced. I doubt very much that the SETC would have put up with 10 days
> of no DNS/DHCP but Mel might be able to tell us more about that.
> We should recover the server if it's not in use.
> Martin,
> On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 20:36 -0400, leftyfb wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Folks,
>> Our Ubuntu server at the SETC has been down since September 13th. If
>> anyone is going to be down there anytime soon, would you mind seeing
>> what is up with it? It's a Dell PowerEdge 650 rackmount server that was
>> last seen in the small server cabinet in the middle section of the SETC
>> where we used to teach the classes. It was location in the far corner of
>> the room opposite where you would enter from the main room.
>> The machine should only need to be plugged in and have a single network
>> cable plugged into the 1st ethernet port on the back.
>> Thanks if you are able to help and feel free to post here, email me
>> directly or hit up IRC for more questions or if you run into issues.
>> Thanks
>> Mike (leftyfb)
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