[ubuntu-us-ma] SETC ( et all )

Charles Profitt cprofitt at ubuntu.com
Wed Dec 1 01:06:57 GMT 2010


On Mon, 2010-11-29 at 23:33 -0500, Daniel Hollocher wrote:
> Regardless, when I raise these issues, the feedback I get is that
> anyone who feels betrayed or wronged should meet in person with Mel,
> the director.  He really didn't want to slight anyone; he just wanted
> the triple boot. 

As much as I have a great amount of dislike for what Apple has come to
stand for I have to say a center having the money to purchase Mac
computers with the goal of allowing its users to choose which OS they
want to use or to allow instructors to have a choice is a fantastic

I, for one, do not want to see Linux (Ubuntu or other) triumph only
because it was the least expensive option. I want it to succeed because
it is the best option. By allowing people to compare all three OSes I
believe the opportunity to show off Ubuntu is enhanced.

I do admit that I can not see in to the heart of anyone involved and
simply choose to trust what is being said by all.

It would be great to see this kind of center near me... in that I feel
the MA team has to feel quite enthused (or at least the Bostonians as
the rest of the state likely doesn't want to travel that far). If the
model is a success you can spread it to Springfield, Lenox, Lee,
Pittsfield, S. Hadley, Amherst and other locales.

~ cprofitt

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