[ubuntu-us-ma] Join the Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 23:01:35 BST 2009

Hey DPic,

Then your first job is relay my request to Facebook, send a few tweets
and identi.ca things and what ever else our group is signed up for, let
us know in IRC what you get up to.

I had a feeling you'd go in for this job. Now I'm going to officially
look to you for it.

Regards, Martin

On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 14:55 -0400, Danny Piccirillo wrote:
> I can do writing and social networking! 
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:39, Martin Owens <doctormo at gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hey Massachusetts Advocates,
>         Do you have some free time coming up? A burning desire to help
>         the
>         Ubuntu community and education and inform the public about
>         their
>         computing options?
>         If you live and/or work in Massachusetts and use Ubuntu, then
>         your
>         exactly the kind of person we need to help with the
>         Massachusetts Local
>         Community. In particular these are the outstanding jobs:
>          * Volunteers to teach Ubuntu familiarity lessons, Tuesday
>         evenings
>          * Programmers to help out with the website (python)
>          * organizer for the Karmic Release Party
>          * organizer for an Installfest
>          * organizer for Ubuntu Jam Week events (bug day, etc)
>          * Writer and editor for news and events to go on website and
>         sent to
>         list.
>          * Social networking co-ordinator to official be the one to
>         post news
>         and hype up everything to all social networking outlets.
>          * Satellite organizers to get other towns and cities
>         organized into
>         using Ubuntu.
>         If you can help, then reply here, we need to hear from
>         dedicated
>         individuals who want to see Ubuntu and Free and Open source
>         software
>         succeed in Massachusetts. Because we _do_ need your help, we
>         don't have
>         enough dedicated people to do good events and fix some of the
>         technical
>         issues.
>         Please get in touch,
>         Martin Owens, Lead Organizer
>         --
>         Ubuntu-us-ma mailing list
>         Ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com
>         Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ma
> -- 
> ☮♥Ⓐ - http://www.google.com/profiles/danny.piccirillo

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