[ubuntu-us-ma] Fwd: Open Video Alliance Contest

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 18 04:36:15 GMT 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Josh Levy <josh at openvideoalliance.org>
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 20:21
Subject: Open Video Alliance Contest
To: discuss at blu.org

*Want to win a trip to South By Southwest 2010? Or maybe a Flip Mino video
camera? Read on...*

*Open Video in 60 Seconds* <http://contest.openvideoalliance.org/>
The Open Video Alliance is holding a video
To enter, just make a video spot explaining open video in 60 seconds or
less. Then upload it anywhere and tell us the URL.

Our judges—including web luminaries like Jimmy Wales and Mitchell Baker—will
pick the best and most creative entries. One lucky winner will be headed to
Austin on an expenses-paid trip to SXSW 2010 <http://sxsw.com/interactive>*,
*and three runners-up will get a Flip Mino handheld video camera.

The last day to submit a video is January 31, 2010. Head over to the contest
page <http://contest.openvideoalliance.org/> to check out the entries and
submit your own video! Complete rules are

*Need some inspiration?*
We've got you covered. Here are some
ideas.<http://contest.openvideoalliance.org/about/#3>For more on open
video, check out some open
video issues <http://openvideoalliance.org/issues>.

*Who are you?*
The Open Video Alliance <http://openvideoalliance.org/> is a coalition of
organizations and individuals devoted to creating and promoting free and
open technologies, policies, and practices in online video.
Discuss mailing list
Discuss at blu.org

☮♥Ⓐ - http://www.google.com/profiles/danny.piccirillo
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