[ubuntu-us-ma] Getting Involved

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Tue May 19 22:57:10 BST 2009

Welcome Mark,

To get involved I'd check off all the items on this page:


It lists all of the things that you should do to get involved, including
how to join the IRC channel and joining the launchpad group.

Then come to any of the events, meet people, come to the meeting yes,
but also don't be shy to come to any of our other events. (Like Tuesday
nights at SETC)

Then once your settled, I'm sure you'll be able to get your hands dirty
with an event, organising, marketing, etc. Don't be afraid to suggest
new ideas and things you'd like to do in MA with Ubuntu, most of us are
quite happy to join in.

Also don't be shy to join in other people's events and suggestions,
we'll talk about events and things at the meeting, but sometimes an
event will be too close to make the meeting and it's worth just getting
out there and doing it.

Hope to see you around.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 21:04 +0100, Mark Kohls wrote:
> Hey All,
>     I've been using ubuntu since september and will be back in the 
> Boston Area as of Tomorrow, May 20th, and I was looking to Get involved 
> with the Massachusetts Loco team. What is the best way for me to do it? 
> I was thinking of coming to the monthly meeting at the end of May, is 
> that the best course of action? Also I'll try to get on the IRC channel 
> after I get settled. Thank you in advance for anything that you have to 
> offer.
> Regards,
> Mark Kohls

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