[ubuntu-us-ma] Interactive Whiteboard

Daniel Hollocher danielhollocher at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 20:08:30 GMT 2009

http://www.dimdim.com/products/dimdim_features.html  ??

Dimdim has a shared whiteboard, which I suppose could be broadcast by a
projector.  It also has session recording.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Danny Piccirillo <
danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> The wiimote does seem like it might be a good option so i'll look more into
> that. If we wanted to use tablets without any additional hardware, what is
> available to get the same features interactive whiteboards have? Drawing on
> the screen, recording what's been done, etc. Something more advanced than
> screenshots would be a plus..
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Brian DeLacey <bdelacey at gmail.com>wrote:
>> One of Johnny Lee's Wii projects <http://johnnylee.net/projects/wii/> used
>> a laptop screen in a way that might be similar to your tablet idea. He shows
>> it about three minutes into this video<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s5EvhHy7eQ>
>>  .
>> Another project leveraging those Wii ideas is here:
>> http://www.smoothboard.net/  The number of options is increasing as the
>> hardware gets more powerful and less expensive.
>> I've experimented with Wii remote accelerometer and button readings with
>> Ubuntu. I'll demo this and mesh networking using Jaunty in a quick "Open
>> Floor" lightning talk at this Thursday's meeting<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2009-02-26>
>>  .
>> Brian
>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:29 PM, Danny Piccirillo <
>> danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>> That did cross my mind but i figured it wasn't worth the extra hardware
>>> and it seemed to be a lot of work to set up (although i admit i didn't
>>> really look that much into it). That's why i thought just using tablets
>>> would be a much better idea.
>>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Brian DeLacey <bdelacey at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Here's a low-cost way to do that sort of thing using a Wii remote:  <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/%7Ejohnny/projects/wii/>
>>>> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~johnny/projects/wii/<http://www.cs.cmu.edu/%7Ejohnny/projects/wii/>
>>>> There's a related video here:
>>>> http://www.alltogetherwecan.com/2009/01/31/wiimote-whiteboard-in-education-a-tutorial/
>>>> There's a lot of potential with the Wii remote ...
>>>> Brian
>>>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Danny Piccirillo <
>>>> danny.piccirillo at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> What a nightmare...
>>>>> My school keeps investing money into testing out these things. They
>>>>> want to make a decision on which to buy a big order of. Basically,
>>>>> interactive whiteboards let teachers draw on the screen from the front of
>>>>> the room and save their lessons, etc. My school is faced with sales pitch
>>>>> after sales pitch and all the teachers are excited so it seems. We'd need to
>>>>> buy their proprietary hardware and software, train teachers, etc. I'm trying
>>>>> really hard to make the case that this is a really really bad idea. The
>>>>> technology is pretty new (well, maybe it's been around, but these solutions
>>>>> are not mature), so it will all be outdated soon.
>>>>> Teachers get excited about every new piece of technology with any new
>>>>> and uselesss features. They want to use it for the sake of using it,
>>>>> regardless of whether they can use it effectively. Students are not any more
>>>>> engaged, if not less, when the only new aspect of their lesson is being able
>>>>> to click on a train and hearing it go CHOOCHOO (powerpoint-- i mean,
>>>>> openoffice.org can already do that...). Whether or not teachers use
>>>>> interactive whiteboards, tablets, or *the tools already available*,
>>>>> they need to be able to do so effectively. Throwing money into a new piece
>>>>> of technology won't fix that at all...
>>>>> I'm trying to propose a better long term solution and find free
>>>>> software alternatives to this. My suggestion was using a tablet PC and
>>>>> software that allows you to draw on the screen. Simple screenshots (or
>>>>> screencasts) can be used to save lessons, if nothing more advanced is
>>>>> already available. This is also a great place to fit Ubuntu in the classroom
>>>>> since they'll be investing in new computers for this anyways.
>>>>> SO, i need help coming up with the best alternative to this interactive
>>>>> whiteboard crap. Please let me know if you have any ideas!
>>>>> P.S. Handwriting recognition seems to be something that is included in
>>>>> some applications for tablets...shouldn't there be some sort of framework or
>>>>> something for this so that any application can use it? Does this already
>>>>> exist or is there a good place to suggest this?
>>>>> Thanks so much!
>>>>> .danny
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