[ubuntu-us-ma] EdTECH Day 2010

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 1 06:24:43 GMT 2009

cprofitt on IRC posted this and nobody seemed to be around so i thought i'd
share it here

cprofitt: hey guys... anyone home
cprofitt: I have an interesting opportunity for some LoCo activit...
cprofitt: well... for when you guys 'awake'
cprofitt: http://it.bridgew.edu/facstaff/edtechday/proposal_form.cfm

 Call for Proposals: EdTECH Day 2010

"EdTECH Day 2010: Engaging Students on a Shoe-String"

*Share your teaching and technology best practices with your colleagues
at EdTECH Day 2010 on Wednesday, January 13th
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Moakley Center*

☮♥Ⓐ - http://www.google.com/profiles/danny.piccirillo
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