[ubuntu-us-ma] Arisia Convention part six

felicia wichrowski felicia02652 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 15:25:22 BST 2009

Bill, this is all great information and very helpful.  I am pushing ahead
with the intensity of finishing summer at my shop and transitioning into
fall while developing  new product lines 6 months ahead of schedule to
showcase to the jury what I'm offering in addition to bright and shiney
jewelry!  ( you give me so much confidence the universe has pushed me into
the best direction. )  If a team arises for the event it'll be fantastic and
at not much of a cost.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Bill Ricker <bill.n1vux at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 5:26 PM, felicia
> wichrowski<felicia02652 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Maybe the Loco won't have to pay another $100, since we are in the same
> > room.  I think each person must buy a $35. membership to get in.   If on
> the
> > longshot they don't approve me, will the loco be stuck?    I will seek
> > clarification.
> I suspect we can register as a vendor sharing room AFTER you get
> accepted -- the folks assigned rooms need to not exceed the number of
> rooms, but after that if folks volunteer to pay to be listed
> subleases, it's nearly gravy for them.
> alternatively, if we aren't on the list, we can put up posters
>   UBUNTU - FREE IN ROOM 3xx (with $whatever_you_call_your_shop)
> per-person reg is required for going almost anywhere else, and highly
> recommended, but since this is Felicia's private hotel room, she does
> not have to require badges to enter.
>   (Arisia is different in that there is not a consolidated sales area
> with set hours -- aside from the official shirt, membership, and book
> vendor --  but rather village of shops that the shopkeepers open and
> close as they choose to sleep in their shop. In Hyatt Zigguratt, the
> village is the third floor supramezzanine, which is just one stair
> flight above upper meeting and dining floor)
> --
> Bill
> n1vux at arrl.net bill.n1vux at gmail.com
> --
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