[ubuntu-us-ma] Star Treck (IMAX)!!!

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 29 04:20:50 BST 2009

I changed the subject for people who may have never made it past that ^.^

So, for our team-bonding Star Treck outing, we've decided on Jordan's
IMAX<http://www.jordansimax.live.terabyte.co.nz/>theater in

To narrow down when to go, what day of the week do we want to go, and around
what time showing should we catch?

Tickets will cost $11.50 (+ $1.25 online?)

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Subject: [ubuntu-us-ma] These are the voyages...

From: *felicia wichrowski* <felicia02652 at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 09:49
To: Ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Lets go to STAR TREK!!!!  5/8/09


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From: *Daniel Hollocher* <danielhollocher at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:42
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

As that is the opening day for Star Trek, I would ask you to consider
delaying for a few weeks.

If you have any sense of dislike for the MPAA, then you certainly would want
to wait.  Your local movie theater gets almost no money from a ticket sale
during the first week of a movie's release:

Personally, I'm more of a local business supporter than an MPAA hater.
Anyway, just something to consider.


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In science and in mind, the impossible and the hasn't-happened-yet are

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From: *Martin Owens* <doctormo at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 22:17
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

What is more interesting to me is what people's thoughts are about
allowing non-ubuntu related social engagements onto the mailing list.

I'm in favour of them in this instance, so long as they are formatted
appropriately and consist of a request to organise a social event. You
know, some fun thing we can get together to do. Oh and the original
poster is willing to stick with it :-)

But I'd still like to hear from others on the mailing list.

Regards, Martin Owens

From: *Chris Butler* <chrisbutler72 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 14:13
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Social requests are fine by me - so long as no one is using the list for
sales pitches or recruitment efforts.
In cases like this - it's an honest open invite to all and I'm cool with
that. (I would be game to see the movie, BTW)
If it's something that I'm not interested in, it's one keystroke to delete.

Just my .02$


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From: *Danny Piccirillo* <danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 15:19
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

My usual policy, is it's OK until it becomes a problem. I'm also very very
down to see this. This might be a bit of a stretch, but we could make this a
non-geeky (well...almost) social event for people to meet the team if we did
something before or after the movie.

From: *James Gray* <jamespgray at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 15:26
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

I am in favor of having events advertised here.  This way I'll have a
chance to get away from my computer more then once a month.  J/K.

From: *Martin Owens* <doctormo at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 16:14
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Very well,

I'm also enthusiastic to see this film,

Felicia, perhaps you'd like to head up this social event, organise the
best date and time, location and make sure it's on the calendar/website?

Best Regards, Martin Owens

From: *Danny Piccirillo* <danny.piccirillo at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 22:27
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com


On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 15:26 -0400, James Gray wrote: > I am in favor of
having events advertised he...

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From: *felicia wichrowski* <felicia02652 at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 10:20
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Ok then ,
City kids,  does anyone know of  an Imax theate near Boston?, I am assuming
that would be the best way to see the film.
Also, are we closer to finding a place to meet at the end of the month?

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From: *Mick Timony*
<mick.timony+ubuntuforums at gmail.com<mick.timony%2Bubuntuforums at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 10:28
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

There's at least 3 Imax theater's near Boston. The only one that's
realistically reachable via the T is at the Aquarium, and it doesn't list
Star Trek yet.

Boston Aquarium's Imax:

Jordon's will be showing the film with a special screening on May 7th:
"Special Screening on Thursday, May 7th at 7:00pm, 9:30pm and 11:59pm!"

Jordan's Furniture at Natick and at Reading:
Mick Timony
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. --
S. Beckett

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From: *Mark J. Dulcey* <mark at buttery.org>
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 13:22
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

The Aquarium has one. Mostly they show informational films there; they
have been known to do the occasional booking of a Hollywood film for
evening showings, but seem to be doing less of it recently. There are
two Imax theaters in the 'burbs, both attached to Jordan's Furniture
stores, in Reading and Natick. They regularly screen Imax versions of
Hollywood films; both will be showing Star Trek, and you can already
order tickets at http://www.jordansimax.live.terabyte.co.nz/ (don't ask
me why they have a web site in a New Zealand domain!)

Whether you actually get much extra value by seeing a film in Imax
depends on the film. Some are just 35mm films blown up to the bigger
screen; there you gain size but no extra picture information. Others are
at least partially filmed in higher-resolution formats such as 70mm
and/or have the CGI effects rendered at higher resolution. The
informational/scientific films shown at the Aquarium (and the Omnimax
films at the Museum of Science, a variant that uses a dome screen
instead of a flat or nearly flat one) are actually filmed in Imax and
generally look very impressive.


From: *Martin Owens* <doctormo at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 14:29
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

I'm not sure IMAX is a good venue, wouldn't a normal Picture House be

Regards, Martin

From: *Elizabeth DeMarco* <lizzie at lizzie.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 16:03
To: ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Seeing it in IMAX sounds great, but darn it, the only IMAX theaters in
Boston proper are at the Museum of Science and the Aquarium, and
unfortunately they wouldn't consider showing Star Trek, I'm sure.
The next closest one looks to be at Jordan's in Reading, but that's
not easily accessible from Boston, for those who don't have cars.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

From: *Mark J. Dulcey* <mark at buttery.org>
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 23:40
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Natick (the location of the other Jordan's) is actually slightly more
accessible from Boston; you can take a bus from South Station to Flutie
Pass near Shopper's World, which is not too long a walk away. Expensive
($8 one way or $15 round trip) and limited schedule though; the last
trip leaves Framingham at 8pm so it would only be useful for matinee

The Jordan's web site doesn't give any clue about how one might reach
their stores by any form of public transit (boo). Somewhat
understandable, I suppose, given that they sell rather bulky merchandise
(furniture), but they're hardly alone in that failing.


From: *Danny Piccirillo* <danny.piccirillo at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 01:04
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Will we see it on May 8th or later?

Normal Theater

   - Lot's of them
   - Accessible
   - Tickets will be available longer


   - One reasonable location (Jordan's in Natick)
   - Less-accessible
   - Tickets will sell out sooner
   - On the other hand, it's IMAX!

I'm really down for IMAX, but i understand if it makes less sense to do

Do we want to make this an open event, or something just for us? If we want
to invite others, i could make a facebook event, but it might not make sense
to bother.

From: *Elizabeth DeMarco* <lizzie at lizzie.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 04:20
To: ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

If we're doing IMAX, can we ge the tickets online?  There may be a
surcharge of $1 or $2, but at least we'd be guaranteed seats.


From: *Cam Cope* <maccam94 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 07:35
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

Do we want to do this later in the month? I bet the first week of IMAX is
sold out already. I'd definitely be down for seeing it (IMAX preferably)

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From: *felicia wichrowski* <felicia02652 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:30
To: Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-ma at lists.ubuntu.com

OK, lets shoot for a mid May outing. I have never been to an Imax theater,
and none of the major modern city theaters so thanks guys for sending in all
your info about such things.  I'll research some schedules and make a firm
Don't for get the release party for those who can get to Boston on Thursday.
felicia W

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