[ubuntu-us-ma] Ubuntu Geek Squad
Doc Kinne
kinnerc at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 14:27:20 BST 2009
Jack is quite right, but I just want to chime in that while it could
work, it would take a "coordinated assault."
I moved here last year from Ithaca, NY where we had a pretty large
"Ithaca Free Software Association." Via the efforts of my old
boyfriend, who know is active in the NH Ubuntu group, Ubuntu was the
"Linux of Choice" for the group. We worked for a few years (say 4-5)
and managed to get Linux in the High School. The ultimate achievement
of the program was having the High School actually hire a Linux
Systems Administrator.
What this ultimately took, however, was specific inside, one-on-one
contacts in the school.
Microsoft and Apple can do what they do because they have the
resources of several deities. We don't. While theirs is a frontal
assault, Linux still needs to be more of a "sneak attack." I am
convinced that Ubuntu is the best positioned distro for it, but it
still remains an uphill battle.
I'm not saying its not possible. I'm not saying its not worth doing. I
am saying its a very long haul project.
Richard "Doc" Kinne • Rikardo «Dokĉjo» KINNE, BA, MSc., AMAAS
<kinnerc @ gmail.com>
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- The Doctor
"Forests of the Dead," Doctor Who
On 22 Apr , 2009, at 09:14, Linane, Jack wrote:
> Change is hard for most people. Once you get set in your ways it is
> EXTREMLY difficult to change. People havwe been putting up with
> Microsoft for years. Their attitude is that's the way it is!!
> I think a UGS Ubuntu Geek Squad could work now. I feel the place to
> target is the k-12 schools. Apple did it years ago by giving free
> CPU's
> and charging for the software. With the budget cuts coming in heavier
> each year schools are going to need a stable alternative. If little
> Johhny goes home and tells his parents about "A new software they are
> using at school" parents will ask questions about it. They may
> possibly
> load it at home, love it and tell their bosses and co workers about
> it.
> The best marketing tool is word of mouth.
> My 2 cents.
> Jack
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