[ubuntu-us-ma] Too Little Time, Too Much To Do, RE: Website Stuff

Algot Runeman algot.runeman at verizon.net
Sun Apr 5 16:03:11 BST 2009

Though my skills are mundane, I have done several years of Web site work 
and would be happy to contribute any way I can.

Ralph deGennaro wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Due to concerns with my summer workload and some other personal 
> concerns, I won't be able to help out with the public website or 
> organization on the wiki.  You may have noticed that stuff really 
> hasn't gotten farther then random stuff done on my laptop.  It saddens 
> me, and I do apologize. 
> I think Marin has done some work on the "tech" behind the website and 
> some content on the wiki. 
> If anyone is willing to step up, I will still be available to help out 
> with direction and ideas.  Just let me know. 
> Best,
> Rio

Algot Runeman
47 Walnut Street, Natick MA 01760
algot.runeman at verizon.net
Web Site: http://www.runeman.org
Open Source Blog: http://mosssig.wordpress.com

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