[ubuntu-us-ma] Potential Meeting Locations

Theresa Hepburn hepbut at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 18:46:32 BST 2009

We're a bunch of cools kids that play with Ubuntu together. To become a 
non profit we need to incorporate which involves paperwork and lawyers; 
this was something we were discussing about a year ago and I think we 
decided against it. I don't remember why, it's probably buried in the 
minutes somewhere.

Jonathan M. Prigot wrote:
> Out of curiosity, what are we? We certainly don't make a profit. ;-)
> On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 12:07 -0400, Theresa Hepburn wrote:
>>> Boston Public Library?
>> I just called them. If we want to book a room we need to be a non-profit 
>> organization: http://www.bpl.org/central/meetingrooms.htm
>> I don't think we are a quiet enough group to be out on the floor.

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