[ubuntu-us-ma] [ubuntu-jp-team:23316] Re: Can we collaborate?(from Ubuntu Japanese LoCo)

hito at kugutsu.org hito at kugutsu.org
Thu Apr 2 16:41:25 BST 2009

Martin-san, Mike-san, Algot-san

> So, I send transled file of phase 1. Please go agead phase 2!

I through an unfortunate oversight, past atachments are not
valid file(it include merge trouble), I send latter half of scripts.

It pointed by Martin-san, thank you.

-------------- next part --------------
## Page 7
### Frame 1
Risa: However,
Risa:  if you use wine...

### Frame 2
Risa: Majority of the Windows Bishojo game.
RIsa: It is likely to be able play!
????? // Sound of something break up.

### Frame 3
Masato: Wait for a moment! It would be secret!
Akane: Spooky! Do not have an abnormal game!
Risa: and...

### Frame 4
Risa: Long Term Support at ease, stable.
Risa: Akane, who likes server might like this. 

### Frame 5
Akane: Risa, Why...

### Frame 6
Akane: Why you encourage Ubuntu? Aren't you Mac user?
//  "----??"  mean "---- user" or "master of ----", but it has include more nuance. It look-alike "---- fanatic".

### Frame 7
Risa: Because... of course...

## Page 8
### Frame 1
??? // Beep!

### Frame 3
Akane: a...
### Frame 4
Risa: ra...

### Frame 5
Risa: What happened? The desktop screen has broken.
Akane: Because you has gotten on the keyboard?

### Frame 6
Masato: Is it a turn of your good terminal?

### Frame 7
Akane: Yes...,but...
Akane: I think that something of Gnome is a cause.

### Frame 8
Risa: This control panel named CCSM.
Risa: Is it doubtful?

## Page 9
### Frame 2
Masato: Hahahaha, Be ridiculous!

### Frame 3
Masato: What a disaster, It has fussed over by desktop effects.
Akane: I said so first! You fool.
Risa: I thought that I had destroyed it. 

### Frame 4
Akane: ah,
Akane: I know your feeling, Risa.

### Frame 5
Risa,Masato: What?

### Frame 6
Akane: If it is this OS...
Akane: It is possible to start together by three people. 

## Page 10
### Frame 1
Akane: This is...
Akane: joyous.

???? // ??????

### Frame 2
Masato: It might be so?

### Frame 3
Risa: Agreed!

### Frame 4
Masato: Temporary truce?
Akane: To the target temporarily.
Risa: Ubunchu mean...
Risa: seems to 'Humanity to others'.

Notes: ??????????????????
Notes: Not Ubunchu, it is "/ùbúntú/". Though it is persistent.

### Frame 5
Risa: Hereafter, Seniors also will...

### Frame 6
Akane: Do not install a strange games!
Masato: I doesn't settle down if it doesn't confirm the operation! 
Risa: Please do a little in an amicable manner!


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