Ubuntu-Ma LoCo Monthly Meeting Minutes - 10-23-2008

Ralph deGennaro rmdegennaro at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 18:11:08 BST 2008

Hey all,

Things are supposed to wind down before the weekend, right?  I always
hope.....  So sorry for not sending this sooner.

Anyways, a very productive meeting yesterday.  At least I thought.  And
thanks to Sara and those on IRC for trying to keep everyone in the loop.

So, a brief summary here, and I will put up more details on the wiki.  Also,
I will send out another email on the Educator's Exploration idea as well add
page(s) to the wiki for that.

   1. *Ubuntu Release Party* - Everything is set, Thursday, October 30th
   2008 7pm EST, Globe Bar & Grill <http://www.globebarandcafe.com/>, more
   details here<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Events/ReleaseParties/8.10-IntrepidIbex>
   2. *Walter & SugarCRM* is looking for help in a few things.  One is help
   in aligned package versions/updates between Ubuntu and SugarCRM, another is
   general deployment to kids so they can run it on their own computers, and
   last but not least is deployment to schools (specifically Steve mentioned
   one in Dorchester).  Steve is going to talk to Walter to see if there are a
   few dates that might work for him to meet and talk with us all.
   3. *Educator's Exploration* was where the "what events do you want to
   see" conversation seemed to settle on.  We don't want to forget nor not have
   others participate.  We all thought that focusing on one audience though
   might be better use of our time & efforts.  And I gather we have alot of
   people with industry knowledge/experience/contacts/etc.  Like I hinted
   above, I will send more info on that as soon as possible (later today or
   4. *Audio Streaming* of meetings was mentioned at one point in IRC.
   Though someone said they weren't sure that everyone's connections could
   handle it.  It'd be something to explore, if anyone is interested.  Some
   easily setup on internal mic's on laptops, so someone at the meeting could

If anyone has comments/thoughts on what we talked about, please chime right
in.  And for those that participated, please correct/add where I've

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