Massachusetts Exploration Ubuntu! MIT Media Lab

Martin Owens doctormo at
Tue May 20 18:20:26 BST 2008

Greetings Fellow FLOSSers,

This coming Saturday we're holding our once every so often Exploration
Ubuntu (aka installfest) for all folks who want to learn about and get
help installing Ubuntu on their computers.

Those who have come to our previous events will know just what a load
of fun they can be, food, music, sporadic talks on various themes. So
bring your laptop, desktop, friends and family to enjoy our local show
case of the greatest features available to Ubuntu users.

Open from 10am to 5pm, volunteers to be there from 9am to 6pm from
setup and tear down.

Saturday 24th May 2008 @
The MIT Media Lab
Building E15, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

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