Weird, weird GPG issues

Ian McEwen mcewen.ian at
Fri May 9 06:01:09 BST 2008

I get the same problem when trying to encrypt anything with your public
key. It does appear to be broken somehow.

On Fri, May 09, 2008 at 12:40:11AM -0400, Caleb Marcus wrote:
> It appears that there's something wrong with my public key... I can't
> encrypt anything to it. On the command line, GPG says "no such user ID"
> when I enter my email address or key ID, however, it shows up when I do
> gpg --list-keys. I tried to send an encrypted message to myself with
> Evolution, but the error I got was: "gpg: caleb.marcus at
> skipped: unusable public key." Can someone try sending me encrypted
> mail, or encrypting anything to me, to see if the public key that I have
> published is somehow broken?

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