Meeting this Thursday (2007-12-13)

Steve Pomeroy steve at
Mon Dec 10 16:51:44 GMT 2007

On a subject that is perhaps more pertinent than list etiquette:

A reminder to all that we have a meeting this Thursday the 13th,
starting at 19:00 (7:00pm). The meeting will be taking place at a
different location this month, over at the MIT Media Lab. 

It's located on MIT's campus in room E15-235, which can be found here:

It'll be on the 2nd floor and the building will be locked, so please
try and make sure you have a phone to function as a makeshift doorbell
(a number will be posted on the outside doors). Unlike the previous
meeting location, there is no concierge.

We also don't presently have any plans to provide food, unlike previous
meetings, so if you wish to procure some dinner we can try and pool
together cash for pizza, etc.


Logistics aside, do we have an agenda compiled yet?

Steve Pomeroy
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