The Inverse: Wireless drivers available for Linux, but not Windows
Jason M Normand
jay at
Fri Aug 17 14:39:18 BST 2007
This does not surprise me. Microsoft is being so tight about 64bit
that many manufacturers do not seem to want to bother developing for
it. Throw in that cisco looks to be abandoning the linksys line (???)
and its likely you will never see 64bit drivers for linksys products...
Kristian Erik Hermansen wrote:
> So, I helped my 11-year old brother build his first computer system.
> Of course it is running Linux. And to make it tough on him, it is
> running 64-bits. However, the Linksys WMP54G PCI wifi card that we
> installed worked out-of-the-box, without any configuration. It was
> great! No effort at all on our part.
> Now enter Windows Vista x64. When we purchased the wireless card, it
> had a sticker on it that said "Vista Compatible". Now, we weren't
> really that interested if this was the case or not, but we had Vista
> lying around, and decided to give it a test. Now, anyone who has run
> Vista already knows that it is a slow piece of junk. That is because
> it saves a snapshot copy of every single file that you have modified
> on your system -- a real dream for forensics analysts.
> But that is not the reason for this discussion. Now, when we booted
> up Vista, we were told to insert the device's driver CD. This is a
> new feature in Vista, and would have been great. The only problem is
> that Linksys only provides a 32-bit driver on the CD they distributed.
> Now worries I though, I will just grab the latest 64-bit drivers from
> their website. A few minutes of searching turned up nothing for the
> 64-bit version of Windows Vista.
> So finally, I had to make the call. I hate doing it, but I had to
> pick up the phone and speak with "technical support". I dread that
> term, because it is rarely technical, and almost certainly
> frustrating. After going through the normal routine of gaining the
> tech guy's respect that I am not an old granny who just got this wifi
> thing for Christmas from her grandson, the guy leveled-up and said
> something I wasn't expecting. I told him about the Vista-compatible
> sticker on the box. He admitted that he was "very sorry" that, at the
> moment, they currently had no 64-bit Windows drivers. So, I asked him
> if they had an ETA or even some alpha/beta drivers, but he was not
> aware of any (that's a bad sign). After all that, though, I figured I
> would just ask him to tell me which card I could purchase, so that I
> know which one to exchange it for. The response was even worse...
> "None of our Linksys wireless products support 64-bit versions of Windows"
> Surely this guy is just uninformed within technical support, and there
> is a driver out there for x64!?!!?
> Then I turned up this thread...
> So, all of those who claim Windows has "better driver support" can
> shut up now :-)
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