I don't want to be writing this email, I wish there was no need. That
being said, it is not my intention to step on anyone's toes or offend
anyone. Additionally, I am not speaking for the group even if I use
"we" or any other plural pronoun.<br>
Our resources are stretched pretty thinly. For a team with 30+
members, there is a very small minority doing most of the work. I
understand that's how thing are in life and I'm ok with it, or at least
more ok with it than I used to be. That being said, what I don't think
is ok is for all the work we are doing to be ignored. We try to keep
everyone informed as much as possible. We send out information to the
mailing list, there are posts on the forums, meeting reminders are sent
out, and there are details on things on the wiki. All this takes a LOT
of work. We miss some things, but by and large the information is all
up to date and accurate. <br>
<br>I feel like no matter how much information we're putting out there,
we keep getting asked the same questions over and over. Questions
whose answers are easily found on one or more of our team resources
(wiki, forum, Google calendar, etc.). The answers are always available
if you do a little looking. I understand that everyone doesn't have
the same amount of time to put forth, but for the people who show up
once every month or so and want to know why they don't know about
decision X, or feature Y I'm not sure what to say. We can only do so
much. If people aren't willing to keep themselves informed and up to
date on what's going on there's not much we can do about that. At the
same time, we aren't here to spoon feed information to everyone. <br>
<br>All I'm asking is that people read the information we're
sending out and make sure to check the site and other resources before
you ask your questions. If you're going to commit to being a part of the team, then part of that commitment is keeping yourself informed. It's up to you.<br><br><br>Wes