Fwd: 2008 hamfest booth question

Rob Rogers r2d2rogers at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 16:33:42 GMT 2008

FYI this is a copy of the email I sent to a contact address for the
Twin City HAM Club of Monroe/West Monroe.
I live in Monroe and would also like to become a licensed HAM at some
point.  I am a member of the Ubuntu Local Community Team for
Louisiana.  I am contacting you because we are interested in having a
booth or table at one of your events.  I don't know if you are
familiar with Ubuntu or Linux, but it is an operating system like
MacOS X or Windows.

We would not be selling anything, but would have flyers, information,
and CD's to hand out.  If I am able to generate some interest at some
point we'd want to hold an install fest that would let us help people
to install Ubuntu Linux on their own computers, but we are still
getting our feet wet in engaging the community at large.  Is there
someone specific I need to talk to about arrangements for a booth at
the 2008 Hamfest?

Thank you for your time,

-Rob Rogers

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