Louisiana Ubuntu Newsletter Issue No. 4

Louisiana Ubuntu louisiana.ubuntu at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 14:37:03 BST 2008

 Louisiana Ubuntu Newsletter Issue No. 4
April 28, 2008

Team News

Hardy Heron has been released and the hamfest has come and gone.  We gave
out cds, stickers, business cards with contact information and more.  We had
a great time Saturday and overall it was a very successful event.  Thank you
to everyone who contributed, it wouldn't have been possible for us to do
this without each of you!

CDs and Business Cards

We had CDs and business cards leftover after the hamfest.  We tried to
distribute these evenly around the state so as many people as possible would
have access to them.  If you'd like to get some of these to pass out please
let us know where you are from and we will get you in touch with the closest
team member who has the materials.

There are also quite a few business cards in addition to the ones
distributed to the team members around the state.  If anyone runs out and
would like more, please contact Wesley Harp.

Ubuntu Community

This week is Ubuntu Open Week.  Ubuntu Open Week is a collection of various
IRC sessions centered around how you can contribute to the Ubuntu
community.  Topics covered include packaging, reporting and triaging bugs,
writing documentation and more.  The schedule is listed here:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek.  If you see something that interests
you, or if you'd just like to learn more about the Ubuntu community, this is
a great way to get started.  Once some of our members get involved with
things like triaging bugs and writing documentation, we can participate in
these efforts as a team.

Next Meeting

Our next team meeting will be on May 1st at 9:00pm in our IRC channel
#ubuntu-us-la.  If you have something that should be on the agenda at this
meeting please add it here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LouisianaTeam/Meetings

Next Issue

If you have anything that should be included in the next newsletter issue,
please email me.
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