Ubuntu Louisiana Local Community Team at the Northeast Louisiana Regional Ham Radiofest

Rob Rogers r2d2rogers at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 03:40:40 BST 2008


Here's some details you can use if I didn't miss your window.

The Ubuntu Louisiana Local Community Team will have a booth at the
event with PC's on display to demonstrate Ubuntu Linux and will give a
forum presentation on Linux at 10am. Forum attendee's will have a
chance to win Ubuntu T-Shirts.  The team will be holding a PC giveaway
to send a machine with Ubuntu Linux installed home with lucky
recipient(s).  There will be no charge to enter the giveaway, but
donations are appreciated to allow for further efforts in promoting
Ubuntu and Free Software in the state of Louisiana.  Come check out
what options you have in the computing world, get free Live CD's,
stickers, and brochures on Ubuntu Linux.

Let me know if you need more info.


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