Fwd: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes

Jordan Keyes jkeyes0 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 14:10:20 GMT 2010

I just noticed somewhere along the chain the Google Group and the Ubuntu
LoCo list got left off. This should pull them back in. Please make sure to
hit "Reply All" when replying. Thanks!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <matt at davidsons.net>
Date: Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes
To: Jordan Keyes <jkeyes0 at gmail.com>
Cc: bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net, bglug at www.bglug.net, Joe Falconite <
joefalconite at gmail.com>

Actually most of the email should have been addressed to everyone. The one
question about the wikki beginning sent back to just you.

So Jordan's answer is not the end all. Please build off the thoughts that he
and I have started. The this vm this needs to be last.

To me this group looks out of control and with no charter/bylaws it really
is in a free for all.

No offense taken at all. Let me know if we can come to a consensus on


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
*From: * Jordan Keyes <jkeyes0 at gmail.com>
*Date: *Wed, 3 Mar 2010 08:48:18 -0500
*To: *<matt at davidsons.net>
*Cc: *<bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net>; <bglug at www.bglug.net>; Joe Falconite<
joefalconite at gmail.com>
*Subject: *Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:42 AM, <matt at davidsons.net> wrote:

> Jordan,
> >>Looks like another page on the Wikki was created for "stuff we gotta
> have"
> Where is the original?
> And how do you plan without knowing what you want? And drop the the
> technical junk for a moment, if the group cannot decide what the group wants
> the site to be about, then why bother with the joomla v. WP v. whatever
> else?

Since this was directed at me, I'll try to reply. The first statement was
"Looks like another page on the Wiki was created for "stuff we gotta have"".
I intended that to read as "looks like another page was created on the
wiki.... it is about "stuff we gotta have"". Inflection is difficult to
convey by text.

> So first of all, as an outsider, I would like someone to answer these
> questions and review the thoughts that I have, so I can form a
> better understanding of this group.
> 1. Does this group even have a charter, or some set of bylaws for changes
> to systems, meetings, etc? If not then it needs one, and even though it
> sounds silly, having formal leadership in place is the only way for ideas to
> move forward or prepare to fail. This is a page that every group or
> company should have on a website. If you cannot grasp this concept then
> you're currently not or have never been involved in running a company or a
> group.

No, we don't have a charter/bylaws. Probably something that should be
discussed, but that requires active participation from members and
additional meetings. As far as having formal leadership, we do indeed have
leaders. If you hadn't noticed, the majority of the emails you receive from
the BGLUG come from either myself or Eric Lake. The original group started
with 6 leaders, and due to time constraints, job relocation, etc. We have
been narrowed down to just a few. I'll go ahead and skip the part about
"you're currently not or have never been involved in running a company or a
group"... if you don't like the way we're running things, feel free to step
up and help out, rather than criticizing/insulting.

> 2. Are there other LUG's that we might look for, and see what they are
> doing on the web for dare I say social networking. That term is becoming so
> over used, but if adding new members is part of the plan, then a page
> consisting of items on how to join needs to be addressed, and what other
> social tools might be incorporated.

Like Joe said below, we have a Facebook group. We also have a mostly unused
Identi.ca group, and haven't created a Twitter account yet. For the existing
site, Nemesis created a Membership page and a signup page that adds users to
the forums and mailing list.

> 3. Problem solving forum? Social forum? There are so many of these on the
> Internet already, but if the group wants that capability, then do it, but
> where does IRC fit in? Would a third party such as ning or with much dread,
> Facebook be a better choice? I'm doubtful, but not discussing those options
> is a disservice to the group, and not an answer.

I'm honestly not convinced we need a forum. As far as group growth is
concerned, it could be necessary. So far it was mostly a social forum.
However, we always have 15-20 people in the IRC room (with normally 2-4
talking), so in my opinion it makes more sense to just embed an IRC client
in a page rather than maintaining an additional piece of software or module
or whatever.

> 4. If IRC is going to be used for the majority of communications and
> meetings, then new users need advice on what to get the software, how to
> setup, register etc. And yes, even on Windows, or a Mac. Remember they are
> new users and may not be using a GNU/Linux setup. So that is a page in
> itself. How do new users get started with Linux?

I'm not sure how IRC is related to this topic, but I do agree that we need a
"New to Linux? Click here!" page. However, like you've said before, "There
are so many of these on the Internet already". If someone's new to Linux,
they're probably not going to google "install linux BGLUG" or "install linux
kentucky linux user group". They're going to search for whatever distro
they're running and go straight to the forums/IRC/documentation/whatever for
it. I'd still say it wouldn't hurt to put links to the forums/documentation
for several distros on a page with some tips.

> 5. Video. There are so many podcasts, etc.. already on the web, how will
> this be of use? But it is a great way to give potential members a look at
> what the group is about, and should be incorporated. But who is paying for
> the hosting? Will youtube be used and then plugged into the site? Who will
> make videos and will the group supply the gear? BTW: I think Jordan does an
> excellent job on his site. He is quite entertaining, has some good insights,
> and I believe he said he was willing to share?

The idea for videos came from the users who are not able to make it to the
monthly meetings. Hosting for the videos is free through viddler, though
we've used Vimeo in the past as well. Youtube cannot be used for our
presentations, because the majority of them are longer than 10 minutes. The
videos are made at the monthly meetings, from the presentations given. So
far I have provided all the "gear", and it's the same setup I use for my own
videos. I have thought long and hard about the possibility of just moving to
Ustream and streaming/recording live instead of doing all the
post-production I've been doing, but the current Ustream/any live streaming
site setup is optimized for Windows/Mac. Ustream has a higher quality codec
we can use, but we have to use Windows to do it. Nah.

As far as other videos, I suggested (either in IRC or on here, can't
remember) that I could cross-post some of my Youtube videos as well, just to
provide content/news to the site.

> And if the site is down for a week or two while these plans are made will
> it really matter? Will BGLUG go broke? Will hundreds of Linux users give up?
> Probably not, but from my limited exposure I think some good people may not
> be very happy when this is all said and done, and that might really effect

Nope, BGLUG can't go broke, because we're already broke. However, the site
going down for an extended period of time does provide the possibility that
we would lose potential members. Not hundreds, no, but even one member in a
group our size is a decent loss. I know this site change is going to upset
quite a few people, but to the grand majority (the people who aren't
actually contributing to the site) the only difference is going to be

> I'm up for a coffee shop meeting to discuss these topics in person. I luv
> my coffee! I prefer places that are a local business, but will bend and
> go to big chains if that is what needs to get this done. Plus face to face
> tends to cut out the confusion that irc / email creates.
> I propose an in person meeting to discuss leadership, layout of a new
> site, required pages, forums and communications, technical items, and then
> finally products. And because this group is still small enough, go back to
> those who cannot attend to get further input, and finish.

I agree that we need to do a face to face meeting soon to discuss the new
site. I'm willing to bet I took quite a few things you said out of context,
and you probably will get the same from my reply. No anger was intended to
be conveyed by this email. I'm all for discussing leadership as well. We're
always looking for more people to step up and help out, but so far we've
only had a couple of people even offer in the last year or so.

> Thoughts?
> Matthew Davidson
> Cell or Text - 859-619-5854
> email = matt at davidsons.net
> http://www.facebook.com/mdavidso
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes
> From: Jordan Keyes <jkeyes0 at gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, March 02, 2010 9:10 pm
> To: Joe Falconite <joefalconite at gmail.com>
> Cc: matt at davidsons.net, bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net,
> bglug at www.bglug.net
> Looks like another page on the Wiki was created for "stuff we gotta have"
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Joe Falconite <joefalconite at gmail.com>
>  wrote:
>> Maybe another good list to have....
>> --jfalco
>> On 03/02/2010 06:56 PM, matt at davidsons.net wrote:
>>> Still have to know what you need before comparing products.
>>> JMHO.
>>> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Joe Falconite<joefalconite at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 18:49:11
>>> To: Rob Turner<rob at protackllc.com>
>>> Cc:<matt at davidsons.net>;<bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net>;<
>>> bglug at www.bglug.net>
>>> Subject: [SPAM] Re: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes
>>> Rob,
>>>      Feel free to include that link here...
>>> Thanks,
>>> --jfalco
>>> On 03/02/2010 06:47 PM, Rob Turner wrote:
>>>> Perhaps a side by side would help:
>>>> http://cmsmatrix.org/
>>>> Rob Turner, RHCE
>>>> ProTack, LLC
>>>> (859) 721-0262 - Office
>>>> (859) 721-0269 - Fax
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net [mailto:bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net]
>>>> On
>>>> Behalf Of Rob Turner
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 6:39 PM
>>>> To: 'Joe Falconite'; matt at davidsons.net
>>>> Cc: bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net; bglug at www.bglug.net
>>>> Subject: RE: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes
>>>> This here is what I think it's supposed to be about, one person sees a
>>>> need and can jump in and help things happen.  Thx jfalco!
>>>> Rob Turner, RHCE
>>>> ProTack, LLC
>>>> (859) 721-0262 - Office
>>>> (859) 721-0269 - Fax
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net [mailto:bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net]
>>>> On
>>>> Behalf Of Joe Falconite
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 6:34 PM
>>>> To: matt at davidsons.net
>>>> Cc: bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net; bglug at www.bglug.net
>>>> Subject: Re: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes
>>>> Here ya go boys, start listing....
>>>> --jfalco
>>>> On 03/02/2010 06:24 PM, matt at davidsons.net wrote:
>>>>> I did not really participate in the meeting, but watched when I could.
>>>>> As far as these emails over the last two days again I don't see much
>>>> getting done.
>>>>> Still seems to me you have to layout several must have items, a few
>>>> wants, and a few items as a wish list. Put it on paper and then line the
>>>> products up and start weeding them out.
>>>>> Otherwise your just throwing junk against a wall to see what sticks.
>>>>> And
>>>> everyone has their own fav that they are throwing.
>>>>> So again Plone/Zope does it all and is industrial strength. :) Set it
>>>>> up
>>>> myself for the Federal Judiciary. Never again though. WP is much easier.
>>>> But since we are slinging things at the wall...
>>>>> Matt
>>>>> And I will; when time permits help with tasks. Time permitting. 6:15
>>>>> and
>>>> still at a clients and the end is not in site.
>>>>> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Joe Falconite<joefalconite at gmail.com>
>>>>> Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 17:45:12
>>>>> To:<bglug at www.bglug.net>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [BGLUG] Re: Website changes
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> BGLUG mailing list
>>>>> http://www.bglug.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/bglug
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> BGLUG mailing list
>>>> http://www.bglug.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/bglug
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> BGLUG mailing list
>>>> http://www.bglug.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/bglug
>> _______________________________________________
>> BGLUG mailing list
>> http://www.bglug.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/bglug
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