[BGLUG] Website changes

Eric Lake ericlake at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 18:29:44 GMT 2010

Sorry guys. This is the thread that we should be using for this
discussion. My bad for starting out on the wrong one.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Joe Falconite <joefalconite at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/01/2010 11:38 AM, Jordan Keyes wrote:
> Hey guys,
> We had a bit of a last minute meeting last night to discuss some changes
> we're hoping to make to the website in the next few weeks. The decision was
> made to move from our current server, which is being hosted at Nesbitt
> Engineering, to Aerocore, a hosting provider run by one of our members. Logs
> from this meeting can be found at
> In addition, we are planning to move from the current custom CMS written by
> Nemesis][ to either Wordpress or Drupal. Feel free to reply to this email
> with your thoughts on which CMS is more appropriate for this situation, and
> we'll have a vote in the IRC meeting this Thursday, March 5th at 9pm EST in
> #bglug-meeting on irc.freenode.net.
> I'm +1 for Wordpress. It might not be a bad idea to have the Drupal and WP
> camps pick 1 person each to pitch their CMS to the group to avoid a crazy,
> unorganized meeting. Thoughts?
> With this change comes the ability for more people to contribute. That's
> where you guys come in...
> If you are interested in writing for bglug.net, please reply to this message
> or show up for the IRC meeting Thursday. Up until now we have really just
> been posting meeting information, IRC logs, and video embeds from our
> meetings. We'd like to see more actual linux/open source related content, so
> if you're up to the challenge, speak up!
> You can put me down for writing content frequently -- jfalco
> That's all for now. If you guys have any questions/concerns, let us know.
> Otherwise, let's hear what you have to say about Wordpress and Drupal, and
> who's interested in writing for bglug.net.
> Thanks!
> Jordan
> http://www.thisweekinlinux.com
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Eric Lake

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