[BGLUG] Next IRL BGLUG Meeting July 18th
Rob Turner
rob at protackllc.com
Fri Jul 17 21:45:55 BST 2009
So did it occur to anyone to post this meeting on the website?
Rob Turner, RHCE
ProTack, LLC
(859) 721-0262 - Office
(859) 721-0269 - Fax
From: bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net [mailto:bglug-bounces at www.bglug.net] On
Behalf Of Shaden Smith
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 9:03 PM
To: Kentucky LoCo Team mailing list; bglug at www.bglug.net; Eric Lake
Subject: [BGLUG] Next IRL BGLUG Meeting July 18th
I have booked a room at the Eagle Creek Library for July 18th, 2-5 pm in
Lexington. This is set to be a small meeting intended to serve as
technical preparation for our next larger meeting. All members are
invited, especially those who would like to give a presentation in a
future meeting.
The website of the library is http://lexpublib.org/eaglecreek/
Also, if anyone has a projector they could bring to meetings please come
forward. The library has one to rent for $20 but we are welcome to use our
own for free.
-Shaden Smith
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