Ubuntu-us-ky Digest, Vol 20, Issue 7
Eric Lake
ericlake at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 02:11:57 BST 2008
Right now it is looking like Nov. 15th at Eastside Technical School on
Liberty Rd. The time of the event is not set yet however.
Jaime Carpenter wrote:
> All-
> I would like to join in on the Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party.
> Please let me know, when, where and what to bring! I look forward to
> re-connecting with the Ubuntu LoCo.
> Thanks,
> Jaime Carpenter
> ubuntu-us-ky-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
>> Send Ubuntu-us-ky mailing list submissions to
>> ubuntu-us-ky at lists.ubuntu.com
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>> than "Re: Contents of Ubuntu-us-ky digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (Eric Lake)
>> 2. Re: Release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (Jordan Keyes)
>> 3. Re: Release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (Eric Lake)
>> 4. Re: Release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (Eric Lake)
>> 5. Re: Release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (Jordan Keyes)
>> 6. Re: Release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (MIchael Fischer)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 13:32:04 -0400
>> From: "Eric Lake" <ericlake at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Release party for Ubuntu 8.10
>> To: bglug at googlegroups.com, bglug at www.bglug.net, "Kentucky LoCo Team
>> mailing list" <ubuntu-us-ky at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Cc: Mike Fischer <mkfischer at gmail.com>
>> Message-ID:
>> <15c903070810241032m2304fc88vd65261297ea850e5 at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> So who is up for having a release party for Intrepid Ibex? We as a LoCo team
>> have held a party for each release since Feisty. I have already ordered the
>> CD's and we should have then within 2 weeks after the release date. The
>> shipment will have ~300 CD's of different types (ubuntu, kubuntu, x86,
>> x86_64, etc) and I don't want to have to keep all of them so lets meet up so
>> I can offload a lot of them.
>> The biggest issue in the way is finding a location. Last year we were at
>> Eastside Technical School but I'm not sure if that is available for use
>> again this year.
>> Please respond with possible dates that will work for you and if you have
>> any ideas of a good location (fish????).
>> Would it be worth it to have an irc meeting to discuss details?
Eric Lake
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