[ubuntu-us-in] Ubuntu-us-in Digest, Vol 44, Issue 12

Joe Miller neoman4426 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 17:12:13 UTC 2012

Plus, the default one has changed each release I believe. Look at them side
by side, and you'll see some additional fractalization has been added
On Jan 26, 2012 12:00 PM, "DJ Gregory" <darrell.e.gregory at gmail.com> wrote:

> If you want a good comprehensive site to search for wall papers, try
> wallbase.cc
> I noticed that they didn't change or change much recently, but it doesn't
> bother me.  It's always one of the first things that gets changed anyway
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Charlie Luna <war.tribe.mc at gmail.com>wrote:
>> My assumption is that the ubuntu creators assume that we end users could
>> change the wallpaper to whatever we want. Having a default set of
>> wallpapers is ok but you really aren't limited to those. I've scoured
>> photobucket, and even done searches for wallpaper to change mine. Its not
>> hard to do. I know that gnome-look.org has some wallpapers too along
>> with many other things. You can even take pictures and drop those into the
>> pictures folder and use those if you like.
>> On Jan 26, 2012 7:01 AM, <ubuntu-us-in-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
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>>> Today's Topics:
>>>   1.  Default Wallpaper in Ubuntu 10.10-11.10 (Ryan Hoots)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 16:46:24 -0500
>>> From: Ryan Hoots <overlord at ryanhoots.com>
>>> To: "Ubuntu's Indiana Local Community Team"
>>>        <ubuntu-us-in at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Subject: [ubuntu-us-in] Default Wallpaper in Ubuntu 10.10-11.10
>>> Message-ID:
>>>        <
>>> CABLBoOOnvptCZm2mB4juBinTdg6JkPp+pVOW6_S0h6G+XBNeRw at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>> Anybody else wonder why the default Ubuntu wallpaper hasn't changed since
>>> version 10.10, and version 10.04 used one very similar? The other
>>> wallpaper
>>> that are distributed with Ubuntu have changed, why not use one of them?
>>> Has there been an official reason for this? Maybe they're only getting
>>> new
>>> default wallpaper every year rather than every release (that would be a
>>> bummer).
>>> Regards,
>>> Ryan Hoots
>>> --
>>> www.ryanhoots.com
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