[ubuntu-us-in] A Natty Day To You All

Mark C. Miller mmiller at millermc.net
Sat May 7 10:09:33 UTC 2011

On 04/28/2011 12:26 PM, Simón Ruiz wrote:
> Hello, LoCo folks!
> Welcome to a new era in Ubuntu.
> Starting with Natty Narwhal, the default Ubuntu Linux desktop will
> look and feel quite a bit different than before, as we move onto
> Unity.
> So far, I haven't had the chance to switch my main desktops over to
> it, but up here the Fort Wayne LUG had Jorge Castro of Canonical come
> out and give us a tour, and I've got to say I'm actually looking
> forward to it.
> I hope this finds you all having a NATTY day!
> Simón
I'd love to try the switch over, but the new meatier graphics 
requirements for Unity are stopping me.  I have some old P4 HT machines 
that have been running ubuntu since I first started with 8.04.  Now, I'm 
dead-in-the-water.  Good thing I tested it with a "live" USB stick 
first.  My netbook is only 18 months old, so I'm hoping that 11.04 will 
run on it so I can at least play with it.

When I was introduced to Ubuntu, I liked the "works out of the box" 
nature of the OS.  Now that they've walked away from that, I know I can 
stay with the LTS release for a couple more years, but then what?  Buy 
newer computers closer to the top-of-the-line?

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