[ubuntu-us-in] Fwd: [Ohio LinuxFest Announcements] Ohio LinuxFest Registration Deadline is Sept 18

Simón Ruiz simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 16:46:50 BST 2009

The Ohio LinuxFest is coming up next weekend.

It's always a blast so let me encourage you all to attend.

Registration deadline is this Friday. Although registration is free,
and they *do* allow last minute walk-up registration, they want to
have some idea of how many people are going to attend.

I hope this finds everyone having an awesome day!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ohio LinuxFest 2009 <team at ohiolinux.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:01 AM
Subject: [Ohio LinuxFest Announcements] Ohio LinuxFest Registration
Deadline is Sept 18
To: simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com


Ohio LinuxFest 2009
Free and Open Source Software Conference and Expo
Columbus, Ohio  :  September 25-27, 2009

Registration Deadline: September 18, 2009

The Ohio LinuxFest 2009 registration deadline is September
18, 2009. If you have not registered yet, please hurry over
to http://www.ohiolinux.org and register today.

Join us for the seventh annual Ohio LinuxFest conference
to celebrate 40 years of Unix. We have an exciting line up
of talks and this year the conference extends from Friday
to Sunday.

Friday, September 25, features professional training courses
(Professional package registration required) and a course
for Linux beginners which includes a refurbished computer,
with Linux pre- installed for you (Quick Start package
required). A series of conference talks and other sessions
will be held on Friday as well.

Saturday, September 26, features the expo and four
conference tracks. We have a great line up of speakers; Doug
McIlroy, Shawn Powers, Dr. Peter Salus, and many more.

The Diversity in OpenSource Workshop will be held on Sunday,
September 27th. A mix of talks and open discussion will help
attendees identify biases and learn ways to break down
barriers, invisible or blatant. Also, two certification
examinations will be held on Sunday the 27th. Linux
Professional Institute will host an LPI certification exam,
and the BSD Certification Group will offer the BSDA
certification exam for Ohio LinuxFest attendees.

Four registration packages are available for the Ohio
LinuxFest this year.

The Enthusiast Package is available at no cost for students,
enthusiasts, and those that want to come to the event to
find out more about Free and Open Source software.

The Supporter Package is available again at a low cost of
$65.00 to support the event. As a measure of appreciation,
the supporter package includes lunch on Saturday and a
commemorative Ohio LinuxFest tee-shirt.

The Quick Start Package is available for $250.00, which in
addition to access to the events on Saturday, includes a
full day of Linux Basics training on Friday and a
refurbished Linux computer to take home.

The Professional Package is available for $350.00, which in
addition to Saturday's activities, also includes access to
the one day OLFU tutorials on Friday.

The Ohio LinuxFest welcomes people from all 50 states and
international participants. We have had participants from
Canada, England, Argentina, Brazil, and Australia in years
past. Note that the Ohio LinuxFest is a 501c3 non-profit,
volunteer organization. All proceeds are used for
conference costs.

Thank you and hope to see you in Columbus, The Ohio
LinuxFest team.

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