[ubuntu-us-in] *Free "Art of Community" Book*
Simón Ruiz
simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 19:30:19 BST 2009
Hello, all!
As one of the Indiana LoCo's Local Contacts, I've received some news
that could be really cool and interesting for some of you:
Jono Bacon, Ubuntu's Community Manager and probable holder of a
Guiness record for the most uses of the word "community" in a single
sentence, has written a book on managing them for O'Reilly. I don't
know of anyone in the free world more qualified to do so.
He also got the publisher to license it under a CC-BY-SA-NC license
which means we all have access to his work for free!
It is available for online perusal at
<http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9780596805357>, or see below for a
PDF link.
If you prefer a text copy, O'Reilly of course sells them for about $40.
I've include a couple of local LUG lists on this announcement, as
well, as I know the book is not intended to be Ubuntu-specific, or
even Ubuntu-centric. It's not even meant to be about computer, or
technical communities. It's about communities in general; from LoCos
to knitting circles.
I hope this finds you all having a wonderful day!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jono Bacon <jono at ubuntu.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: *Free Art of Community Book For LoCo Team*
To: Simón Ruiz <simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com>
Thanks for your request for a copy of The Art of Community. You can
download the full book at:
Feel free to share this with other people: it is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike Non-Commercial license. You
can read more about what you can do with this license at
I really hope the book helps to advise and provide ideas and
inspiration to make your LoCo team even more awesome! It is teams like
yours that inspire and motivate the global Ubuntu community and I am
passionate to help you make the most of your group. Keep up the great
I would ask one final favour: could you please find a few moments to
go to Amazon and the O'Reily website
(http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596156718/) and review the book. Feel
free to leave the same review on both Amazon and the O'Reilly page.
Positive reviews really help spread the word about the book and
encourage people to read it. If there is no Amazon for your country,
please just leave the review on
http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596156718/ - Thanks!
Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org
www.identi.ca/jonobacon www.twitter.com/jonobacon
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