[ubuntu-us-in] Carpool to Ohio LinuxFest?

Simón Ruiz simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 01:14:11 BST 2008

Carol, all,

My wife and I are leaving Fort Wayne on the Thursday evening before
OLF and heading back on Sunday afternoonish. I'm going to be attending
OLFU that Friday and *maybe* taking an LPI certification test on
Sunday is why I'm leaving so early and coming back so late.

This is work for me, ya know. ;-)

If anyone else is planning on these times, let me know and we might be
able to work out some carpooly/caravany goodness.

I somehow doubt this is a popular schedule, though.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 8:06 PM, Carol Rutz <predigtamt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are any of you heading to Columbus for the LinuxFest?  I'm planning a
> caravan to head out there.  If you guys are interested, let me know.  (And
> in case there is one already planned for the Fort Wayne area, is there a
> seat for me?  Thanks in advance!)
> Carol Rutz
> ps: I've been trying out Ibex for over a month.  It works great, even as an
> Alpha release!
> --
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> --Reap The Wild Wind by Ultravox
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