[ubuntu-us-in] Ubuntu Program Highland

Ryan M. Peters sloshy45 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 20 23:11:12 BST 2008

Hey One and All,

	I just got back from my library program which was more or less a
success. Only 2-3 people actually came, but 2/3 of them were very
interested. I might upload the presentation I used sometime later (as
soon as someone tells me how to embed a video in an .odp, like having
the video IN the file). So yeah, it was pretty cool, and me (Ryan
Peters) and Jay Shirvey (sp?), another Ubuntu IN LoCo team member, were
behind it; moreso me, because I did most of it, but he brought his
laptop which helped a lot. Peace out, yo! :P

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