[ubuntu-us-in] K-12 Open Minds Conference Ubuntu Presence - Interested?

Simón Ruiz simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 18:17:07 BST 2008

Hello, fellow Ubunteros!

Who wants to talk Ubuntu with an international group of people?! :-D

The K-12 Open Minds conference[1] is coming up in a couple of weeks.
This will bring educational technology people from all around the
world (I know there are planned to be presentations from Brazil,
Spain, France and Canada, at least) together in Indianapolis for a few

We've mentioned this before in relation to asking if anyone would be
interested in attending, and in asking if anyone would be interested
in participating in a panel discussion to be given.

I'm now mentioning it to see if any of you would be interested in
representing Ubuntu at a booth, either those who might be coming
anyhow (ubuntu-education?) or those who live in the area
(ubuntu-us-in?) and would have fun being the face of Ubuntu to a wide
variety of international people involved in K-12 education.

We've managed to secure table-space for Ubuntu on Friday of the
conference[2], and made sure that anyone working the booth can gain
entrance to do so without registering for the event (as with most
non-Linux conferences, though, one must register—and pay—to attend the
sessions or to get lunch).

I'll be there myself, and I would love to have some of you join me.
For one thing, I'll need to be at the panel discussion session (I'm
part of the panel), would like to maybe look around a bit myself, and
don't want to leave the Ubuntu table unmanned. For another, Ubuntu is
a community; it wouldn't seem right to have it represented by someone
sitting alone. :-D

For those who haven't worked a booth at a conference before, it mostly
involves being at a table with an Ubuntu logo proudly displayed,
giving away Ubuntu swag (The IndianaTeam has Hardy CDs, brochures, and
even a few stickers to give away), and being available to chat with
people about Ubuntu, answering any questions they may have or steering
them towards resources that would help answer those questions.

Consider coming out if you can make it, for the day or even just for
part of the day. It's going to be a lot of fun—the people last year
were great—and a strong Ubuntu presence here will give us exposure to
a huge cross-section of the education world.

Let me know if you're interested, please.

I hope this finds you all having a beautiful day!


[1] http://www.k12openminds.org/
[2] http://www.k12openminds.org/conference/schedule.html

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